pion | |
error | |
bad_arg | Exception thrown for an invalid configuration argument or option |
bad_config | Exception thrown if there is an error parsing a configuration file |
open_file | Exception thrown if we failed to open a file |
open_plugin | Exception thrown if we are unable to open a plugin |
read_file | Exception thrown if we failed to read data from a file |
file_not_found | Exception thrown if a file is not found |
directory_not_found | Exception thrown if a required directory is not found |
plugin_not_found | Exception thrown if a plugin cannot be found |
duplicate_plugin | Exception thrown if we try to add or load a duplicate plugin |
plugin_missing_symbol | Exception thrown if a plugin is missing a required symbol |
plugin_undefined | Exception thrown if a plugin has an undefined state |
bad_password_hash | Exception thrown if a bad password hash is provided |
http | |
auth | |
basic_auth | |
cookie_auth | |
message | |
content_buffer_t | Simple helper class used to manage a fixed-size payload content buffer |
receive_error_t | Data type for library errors returned during receive() operations |
parser | |
error_category_t | Class-specific error category |
plugin_server | |
plugin_service | |
reader | |
request | |
request_reader | |
request_writer | |
response | |
response_reader | |
response_writer | |
server | |
types | |
writer | |
spdy | |
decompressor | |
parser | |
error_category_t | Class-specific error category |
spdy_control_frame_info | This structure will be tied to each SPDY frame |
_spdy_header_info | |
_http_protocol_info_t | This structure contains the HTTP Protocol information |
tcp | |
connection | |
ssl_socket_type | |
server | |
stream_buffer | |
stream | |
timer | |
test | |
safe_xml_log_formatter | Thread-safe version of Boost.Test's xml_log_formatter class |
config | |
admin_rights | |
algorithm | |
exception | |
iequal_to | |
ihash | |
logger | |
plugin | |
data_type | |
plugin_ptr | |
plugin_instance_ptr | |
plugin_manager | |
map_type | Data type that maps identifiers to plug-in objects |
process | |
config_type | Data type for static/global process configuration information |
scheduler | |
multi_thread_scheduler | |
single_service_scheduler | |
one_to_one_scheduler | |
service_pair_type | Typedef for a pair object where first is an IO service and second is a deadline timer |
user | |
user_manager |